Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Risk Factors of Adjustment Disorder

Adjustment order basically occurs due to the impact of series of stressful events. Some individuals are born with the capability to tackle all those stress while some are quite vulnerable to those stressful events and become unable to cope with them which thus results as adjustment disorder.

Some individuals have a low confidence and are vulnerable to sudden changes in life or occurrences; this makes them suffer from disorder. The occurrence of disorder in the individuals is affected by various factors. Some of the main factors are:

§  Coping ability: Coping ability hugely affects to prevent the disorder as well as to invite the disorder. If a person is not able to cope with the changes of the life it is sure that he will go through adjustment disorder with depressed mood.

§  Flexibility: Flexibility is one of the risk factor of adjustment disorder. A person flexible to adopt the changes of life does not suffer through any traumatic events but a person who is not flexible enough to adopt novelty can suffer from adjustment disorder.

§  Sex: Sex also plays a vital role in causing adjustment disorder. Women are found to be at higher risk than men to go through this condition.

§  Socializing ability: socializing ability too is a risk factor that can result as adjustment disorder with depressed mood. A person who has good social skills can cope with stressful events without suffering from any sort of trauma compared to the persons with low social skills.

§  Genetics: Genetics is one of the prominent risk factor. Many disorders like anxiety are inherited through genes.

Individuals who live in a stressful environment, who are suffering from extreme financial pressures and medical problems are in a high risk of getting diagnosed with adjustment disorder. Early childhood family history factors too can result as adjustment disorder in the future of the individual.
Some of such factors can be:

  •   Frequent migration during childhood
  •   Abusive behaviors during childhood
  •   Overprotective parents or family
  •   Disadvantaged background

Individuals having higher risk of adjustment disorders might also have chances of suffering from other disorder or illnesses like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, etc.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Five Crucial Indications of Nervous Breakdown

Nervous breakdown mainly occurs due to excessive stress. Five crucial indications of nervous breakdown are:
symptoms of nervous breakdown

Loss of focus: Nervous breakdown makes concentrating on things a real big deal. You aren’t able to concentrate on matters and works due to it as you lose your focus or concentrating ability. It’s obvious to lose concentration once in a while but loosing concentration frequently is no way good. This indeed indicates that you are going through nervous breakdown.

Weight fluctuations:  another sign that indicates you are going through nervous breakdown is weight fluctuations. The reason behind your sudden weight loss or gain might be your unbalanced state of mind. This can also lead you experiencing loss of appetite, or sudden changes in your eating habits. If you have started feeling some kind of discomfort with your foods or your choice of foods it’s time for you to go for a checkup.

Alcohol addiction or smoke addiction: majority of times people go for alcohol or smoke when they feel excessively stressed out. They try to ooze out that stress with the help of substance like alcohol and cigarettes. If you have started consuming large amount of alcohol daily or have started to smoke constantly it’s time for you to analyze yourself, what is the reason behind all that addiction.

Isolation: Nervous breakdown also brings change in the person’s behavior. One of the major symptoms of nervous breakdown is that a person starts liking isolation when he goes through it. You tend to remain isolated all the time and start ignoring all you relationships. You ditch social interactions and keep yourself socially alienated. If you have started feeling the same way you should immediately consult a doctor.

Self destruction: When a person goes through nervous breakdown he starts to have a feeling of harming himself. As the person’s mental health is not stable he tends to do anything that fantasizes him even putting himself in danger. To erase these thoughts one should immediately seek professional counseling.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Alcohol Addiction and Its Consequences

Many people consume alcohol as a way of entertaining or providing some relaxation to the body while some consume as a way of forgetting their stress and frustrations. However overdo of alcohol on a regular basis or acculturating addiction to it can result in a quite bad manner.

is alcohol a depressant

Relying too much on alcohol can make your life a disaster. Alcohol is a slow poison and its addiction can lead you to disastrous consequences. Alcohol addiction can lead to various severe consequences. Some of them have been presented below:

Is alcohol a depressant?. It is classed as a depressant drug. Alcohol shuts down the areas of the brain responsible for physical, mental and emotional behavior. It gradually affects the physical and mental health acting as a slow poison.
Behavioral change: 
Alcohol addiction brings a drastic change in your behavior. The person addicted shows absurd behaviors and isolates himself most of the time.
Social alienation: 
An alcoholic starts staying alienated from the society as he no more has any respect in the society. His alcoholic behaviors make him loose prestige in people’s eyes. The society starts discarding him and he himself too starts avoiding social interactions and gathering to avoid humiliation.
Professional failure: 
Alcohol addiction also leads you having professional failures. As you get very much indulged in drinking and partying, you become unable to make any identifiable progress in your professional life.
Academic failure: 
Alcohol decreases your concentration ability. Its consumption distracts you from your studies, which gradually leads you having academic failure.
Social downfall: 
Alcohol addiction affects your social image and prestige in a huge manner and leads you having a social downfall.
Alcohol is no way good for having a bright and healthy life. Its addiction leads you towards destruction so one should try to avoid it as much as possible. Alcohol is a depressant that affects a person’s physical and mental health in a huge scale.