Saturday, December 14, 2013

Alcohol Addiction and Its Consequences

Many people consume alcohol as a way of entertaining or providing some relaxation to the body while some consume as a way of forgetting their stress and frustrations. However overdo of alcohol on a regular basis or acculturating addiction to it can result in a quite bad manner.

is alcohol a depressant

Relying too much on alcohol can make your life a disaster. Alcohol is a slow poison and its addiction can lead you to disastrous consequences. Alcohol addiction can lead to various severe consequences. Some of them have been presented below:

Is alcohol a depressant?. It is classed as a depressant drug. Alcohol shuts down the areas of the brain responsible for physical, mental and emotional behavior. It gradually affects the physical and mental health acting as a slow poison.
Behavioral change: 
Alcohol addiction brings a drastic change in your behavior. The person addicted shows absurd behaviors and isolates himself most of the time.
Social alienation: 
An alcoholic starts staying alienated from the society as he no more has any respect in the society. His alcoholic behaviors make him loose prestige in people’s eyes. The society starts discarding him and he himself too starts avoiding social interactions and gathering to avoid humiliation.
Professional failure: 
Alcohol addiction also leads you having professional failures. As you get very much indulged in drinking and partying, you become unable to make any identifiable progress in your professional life.
Academic failure: 
Alcohol decreases your concentration ability. Its consumption distracts you from your studies, which gradually leads you having academic failure.
Social downfall: 
Alcohol addiction affects your social image and prestige in a huge manner and leads you having a social downfall.
Alcohol is no way good for having a bright and healthy life. Its addiction leads you towards destruction so one should try to avoid it as much as possible. Alcohol is a depressant that affects a person’s physical and mental health in a huge scale.

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